søndag 26. juli 2009

Leavin' New York 's never easy

And it is equally difficult to leave the island in the sea. We had a wonderful stay even though the weather was not great. But good enough for us to manage to do "the essentials". We did walk around "Sørgard" We did take the walk to the lighthouse. We did celebrate my father by eating cake and cake and cake. (Just to illustrate the pictures of the cake-tables are just what my mother would put out when inviting the closest friends and relatives. It is more than most people would make for a wedding. (Where I am from it would be considered a shame to have this few cakes for a wedding)) What made tis trip special was that our nice friends from Belgium, Alex and Els and the children stayed at Fjortoft for their holiday. It is important to have good friends and it was great to meet Alex again, and to meet Els for the first time. I met Alex many years ago because I accidentaly dropped by his web site. And since he has a last name that originates from Fjørtoft I sent him an email askim him if there were any connection. A few months later he came to Norway and came with us to Fjortoft to celebrate 17. of may there. And I think he fell in love with the island and instantly felt he belonged there. And beeing an islander means liking anyone who likes ypur island. It is a compliment equal to liking someones children. So I hope they had a great time this time as well. (Posting a picture I took of him so that my friend Trine can se how much he looks like her family!! Sorry that I didn't meet you this time. Hope you are all fine) I had a great time. Both with my family. My parents and cousins and uncles and aunts that I like so much. Yesterday we wew at Finnøy Sjøhus and ate an amazing dinner together to celebrate my fathers 80th birthday. (Still 19 in his head though - so no worries for those of you that know him. He is the same as he has always been. A little bit less eager to go at sea, but otherwise the same) And yesterday evening we got to spend with Reidar and Lillian and my brother and my sister-in-law. Another evening with some of my favourite people in the world. I am such a lucky person to have these great people in my life :-D
Well... wont be updating for another week or so (I think - but then again I might - who knows) Now me and the children are heading towards Sørlandet for some time with more friends. In just a few hours I will have saltwater in my hair. I am having a great holiday!! (Sorry for writing in english - just so that Alex and Els could read what I write about them)
Now I have to leave the ferry again... (love the wireless on the ferry)
Enjoy your summer as well!!

3 kommentarer:

Nina sa...

her har du sikkert skrevet masse hyggelig ;)

Orker ikke lese, bare innom med en god sommerklem. Og så lurer jeg på når vi skal ha scrappetreff igjen :)

Trineb sa...

No har eg akkurat starva meg gjennom maaaasse engelsk.. Har ikkje lese så mykje engelsk sidan vidaregåande ;-)) (Forstod det meste altså!)
Kjekt at det vart ei fin feiring, sjølv om veret ikkje vart heilt topp.
Kjekt at også slektningar finn fram til verdas finaste plass :-) Og ja, der er mykje likskap (-blanding mellom Lars og Robert..) Inge hadde sagt at han hadde kjipt seg litt då han henta dei på kaia, han var så snarlik onkel Øystein..
Håper dei har hatt eit fint opphald her ute, og at dei ville komme igjen. Då må eg nok passe på å få helst på dei. Dei hadde vore og helst på mamma og paps på laurdag, trur begge partar hadde hatt utbytte av besøket, trass manglande språkkunnskapar, spesielt hos den eine parten.. ;-)

Lykke til med resten av ferien, satsar på litt sol og varme åt dokke.. Så satsar vi på å treffast ved neste høve!

Trineb sa...

Oj, det vart ein lang "kommentar"...